Take the time before doing something you can't undo

Irreversible decisions, also known as “one-way doors,” require careful and thoughtful consideration. It is important to thoroughly assess the situation and seek advice if necessary before making a decision that cannot be undone. This helps prevent regret and ensures you don’t end up in an undesirable situation.

Some decisions are permanent, but there are also many decisions you can reverse, the so-called “two-way doors.” These decisions can be made more quickly and with less concern because the consequences are not final. If such a decision doesn’t work out well, you can go back and try something else. It’s important to know what type of decision you are making so you can use your time and energy wisely.

Take your time with important decisions. This doesn’t mean you should be indecisive, but rather think consciously and smartly. By calmly considering the consequences and risks, you can make decisions with more confidence. This helps prevent mistakes and gives you a sense of control and responsibility over your choices and their impact on your life.

Jeroen Sangers @jeroensangers