Speed up informative videos

Speeding up informative videos can be an efficient strategy to save time without significant loss of understanding, as long as the speed stays within certain limits. Research shows that increasing the playback speed of videos up to 1.5x or 2x the normal speed has minimal adverse effects on both immediate and delayed (after a week) levels of understanding. This means that viewers are able to comprehend and remember the core content of the videos, even when they are played at a faster pace. However, it is important to note that performance can significantly decrease at speeds above 2x.

An interesting finding from the research is that repeatedly watching videos at an increased speed just before a test can improve levels of understanding compared to watching the video at normal speed only a week earlier. This suggests that the time saved by playing videos faster can be effectively used for extra study or review, which can optimize learning outcomes. However, it is crucial that this extra study time takes place shortly before the test to maximize the benefits.

Jeroen Sangers @jeroensangers