Keep essential information in your mind so you can access it quickly without having to look it up

It is important to keep essential knowledge at hand so you can use it immediately when needed. This means training your brain to recognize and remember important information, allowing you to respond faster and better in different situations. This process helps you become less dependent on external tools because you already know a lot yourself.

An important part of this is actively engaging with information. This means not just reading or hearing information, but also working with it by discussing it, trying it out, and applying it in different situations. This helps you remember the information better. It is an ongoing process of learning and repetition, training your brain to recognize patterns and automatically come up with solutions. This way, you can act quickly without first having to search for information.

While digital tools can be handy, it is important to first make the most of your own brain. This means investing time and effort in truly understanding the information you encounter. By filling your brain with knowledge and actively using it, you build a strong foundation that allows you to respond quickly and effectively to new challenges and situations.

Jeroen Sangers @jeroensangers