Connect notes to start a conversation with your own thoughts

It is important to connect your notes with each other so that you can build a network of ideas and insights. This helps you not only to store information but also to truly understand and integrate it into your own thought patterns. By linking notes together, you create a system where ideas are related rather than isolated. This ensures that you understand things better and generate new ideas because you actively seek connections and patterns between different pieces of information.

Connecting notes is like having a conversation with your own thoughts. This is similar to the Zettelkasten method, where notes serve as building blocks for a larger whole. By linking notes together, you create a network that helps you organize and deepen your thoughts. This network works like a memory palace, where you can always return to earlier ideas to expand or adjust them. It is a way to actively maintain your knowledge and ensure that it remains useful and applicable.

Connecting notes helps you deepen your knowledge. When you truly understand a new idea and add it to what you already know, it becomes a useful tool in your daily life. This requires discipline and perseverance, as you need to look beyond just first impressions and superficial connections. By actively seeking related notes and merging them, you create a system that ensures important ideas and insights remain vibrant and easily accessible.


Jeroen Sangers @jeroensangers