I have been using Reeder for my feed reading since early 2011 (that’s over a decade!), so of course I immediately updated to version 5 last October.
Only now, five months later, have I started looking at the new features in this version and I really love them! 💕
I disconnected the app from Inoreader and Instapaper (my feed server and read later service) and started using the built-in iCloud Feeds and iCloud Read Later services.
But the biggest improvement is Bionic Reading! Added to Reeder in version 4 (2019), it looks weird but actually works! I read with more focus and attention and am less distracted.
I switch Bionic Reading off when I triage my feeds, but when I switch too the Read Later section I turn it on for some slow and focused reading.
Have you tried Bionic Reading in Reeder or any other app?