6 tools that are more powerful than to-do lists for productivity × Stephanie Vozza
6 tools that are more powerful than to-do lists for productivity × Stephanie Vozza
How to Stay Productive with Children At Home
I am worried about my fellow Dutch citizens. The general idea in the Netherlands is that they have the coronavirus under control, but they have not.
The death numbers are following Italy’s numbers and today arrived at the point in which Italy went on lock down (which was already rather late).
Furthermore, the Netherlands are a small country. This amount of deaths has placed them at the 5th position on the ranking of deaths per 100.000 habitants (after San Marino, Italy, Spain and Andorra).
Why doesn’t the Dutch government want to take action?
My advice for businesses: dump Zoom as soon as possible. For most use cases (small team meetings) I recommend Whereby as an alternative.
New circumstances make for new routines.
One of the new routines in our family is taking some time after dinner to listen to the song of the day created by these three guys.
Featured in The New Yorker: The Group Making Beautiful Quarantine Songs on a Barcelona Rooftop.
Surely I’m old school, but I still think that Twitter threads are a horrible and user-unfriendly hack.
Why don’t you just publish your thoughts on a place that supports long-form copy and link to it on Twitter?
Please remember:
We’re always in control of the two most important determinants in our lives:a.) How we spend our time.
b.) Where we direct our focus.
(Via Wally Bock)
Will Zoom’s free tier limits finally achieve that business meetings will be limited to 40 minutes?
I always published under my real name, but the concept of pseudonyms interests me
Over time, doing things under your real name on the internet will be a bit like putting your social security number out there. It won’t commonly be done. Instead, people will earn and speak under different pseudonyms.
Many professionals found out last week that work is no longer a place, it it a mode.
I have updated my Now page
What a great trip through memory lane: Old CSS, new CSS by Eevee.
I have used most of the techniques on this very site until 2013, when I stopped caring about the hassle of coding my designs by hand.
Nowadays my opinion is that site owners should not be bothered by CSS, that’s something the CMS should handle.
This is hilarious: I work from home by Colin Nissan
Spring on the balcony
The list is your assistant
Another walk in the orchards
A great list of dumb questions by Michael Wade
I find it surprising that many knowledge workers create task management systems, but never think about knowledge management systems.
Curiosamente, en la era en la que más información tenemos, menos sabemos manejarla.
Found a branch while walking through the orchards.
Is the search for meaningful work a trap?
How about if we replace mission statements with invitation statements instead? Invitations are much more agreeable. Invite people to participate in your vision to create a better future, but don’t push your vision on the whole world because people will fight you on that. If you force your mission onto people without consent, so much of your otherwise creative energy will be wasted on defending yourselves eventually, and you’ll deserve that kind of response.
What a great idea to make businesses more humane.
This is so sad.
Why are intelligent people stuck in short-term thinking about their own wellbeing?
That moment when you’re recording a video and the school in front of your house decides to let all children play on the yard while blaring “Baby shark” through the sound system…
In the realm of leadership there’s a big difference between being accessible and available and the example of the leader who has an open-door policy but is never around to answer it explains the difference.