As you start with your meditation practice, the first thing you’ll notice is that your mind is completely out of control.
As you start with your meditation practice, the first thing you’ll notice is that your mind is completely out of control.
I’ve been wanting to up my meditation practice for a while now. Today I started Sam Harris' 50 day training course Waking Up, since I’ve heard many good things about it.
The first session was—as expected—a very basic 5–minute breathing mindfulness exercise. I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s session…
So true: Content ownership is not complicated × @manton
On this Micro Monday, I"d like to recommend @PatrickRhone. His posts make me either reflect or smile (and sometimes both).
This is such a great list of healthy habits by Nicholas Bate: Hunter-Gatherer 21C: The Complete Two Score and Ten
Este altavoz es mío: qué manera más poetica de hablar de POSSE.
Who else finds this Google patent super creepy?
🤔 I’m having mixed feelings on WordPress.
On one side, the platform is hopelessly bloated, and on the other side, anytime I want to change something on my site I need “Yet Another Plugin”, since Wordpress doesn’t do it out of the box.
Derek Sivers discusses what it is like to live according to your values:
Once you realize that one value is more important to you than another, you have to ask yourself if you’re living accordingly.What’s ultimately more important to you?
Once you know which takes top place, consider taking it to an extreme, to its logical conclusion, and optimizing your entire life around that top priority, letting go of almost everything else.
- Learning? Or creating?
- Money? Or time?
- Expanding? Or focusing?
- (… etc.)
This is so important. If everything is a priority, nothing is and your output will most likely be mediocre.
As every year, we went within a few days from sunny at 28℃ to cold and wet. Autumn has officially started in Lleida.
If I notice an error on a page on my site, is there any way to quickly open the current entry or page in WordPress?
Creo que debería existir un carné por puntos para periodistas. Para cada mentira que hay en sus artículos, el periodista pierde un punto. Para ganar puntos hay que encontrar mentiras en los artículos de otros periodistas.
Since VideoDrive doesn’t work on macOS Catalina (and I don’t see an update coming soon), I decides to give iFlicks a try for importing video files in the TV app.
So far I like it very much, especially the rules engine for customising and fixing meta data errors.
En este día hace tres años tuvo una videollamada que me cambió la vida. Era la primera conversación sobre lo que ahora es KENSO.
No teníamos ningún plan en concreto, no había propósito. Sólo había una conexión personal, muchas ganas de trabajar juntos y unos valores compartidos.
An interesting insight from the book This is not propaganda by Peter Pomerantsev: modern politics don’t censor anymore. The new way of censoring is by flooding the media with ‘alternative’ news, so it is difficult to know whether information is real or just part of a campaign.
What over a decade of number-crunching analytics has taught me is that spending an hour writing, sharing, or helping someone is infinitely more valuable than spending that hour swimming through numbers.
This is so true. I do have statistics, but hardly ever look at them.
Me pregunto cuánto dinero los medios de comunicación han ganado con todos los problemas en Cataluña…
After reading this article I started a deep dive into what psychologists call the ‘perceived aversiveness of the task'.
You know, that little task that somehow feels very big…
Personal effectiveness basics: steps you can take to keep your concentration and accomplish everything faster.
One tidbit I liked:
Creating lists can be a double-edged sword,” cautions Hicks. “Lists can certainly help you keep track of and prioritize tasks, but if a lack of focus is due to feeling overwhelmed with the amount of work that needs to be accomplished, then creating a long list of tasks may make things worse
The mind is a mysterious organ.
But there are some things we know about it… and then there are some myths.
Cuanto menos política, más felicidad…
I had a lot of fun trying out @NotionHQ today.
In no time I whipped up a functional board to plan my personal development experiments.
💬 Visto los acontecimientos de esta semana, esta cita es más actual que nunca:
La no violencia es la mayor fuerza a disposición de la humanidad. Es más poderosa que el arma de destrucción más poderosa concebida por el ingenio del hombre.
I am going to try out this meeting structure in our next team meeting: How to host the best meeting of the week.
Today I made a huge mistake. When reading articles on several newspapers1 on the current events in Catalonia I made the humongous error to browse through the comments left by other reader. I instantly lost all hope for humanity.
Really, why do newspapers have comments at all? Don’t they feel responsable for their sites?