Since I started writing on my Spanish productivity blog El Canasto, I had less time to write on Brain Tags. But it looks like it was worth any minute of my time, as today I received the good news that El Canasto has been nominated for one of the Premios Bitacoras.com, the Spanish Bloggies.
The past month, Spanish blog readers could vote for their favourite blogs in several categories. El Canasto quickly took the lead in the Best Business Blog category, and maintained the first position until the end of the voting period.
Tomorrow the jury will be announced, and they have until Friday to choose among the top three of each category, which means that I have about 33% chance of winning the price.
What makes me even more proud is that El Canasto ended at the 10th position on the list of most voted blogs, which in my opinion is really good for a blog in a not so mainstream niche.
The final winners will be announced this Saturday in Seville, and of course I am going to be there to see whether I won the price and to meet a lot of other bloggers. The winner will take a statue and a Toshiba NB100 home.