My macbook has been without backups for several months now, so I started looking for a backup solution. Time Machine is out of the question, as I don't want to hook up a USB hard disk while I'm working (and when I don't work I don't want to leave my macbook switched on) and the Time Capsule is out of my budget.
On my PC I happily use Carbonite, but they haven't released a version for mac yet. I have read some good things about Mozy though, so I decided to give it a try. I signed up for the MozyHome Free account to test the service, installed the software and selected some backup sets to start with. A few hours later the initial backup was ready (I only selected 250Mb).
Happy with the results, I changed user to do the same, but Mozy could not find any files because it was still looking for files in /home/Jeroen
. This very much surprised me, as I was used to Carbonite running as a service and being able to backup files from all users. I assumed that Mozy would not work the same, but that I could configure the files to backup on a per user basis. I couldn't find how to do so... I checked the FAQs on the Mozy site, but most of the texts have been written for Windows users.
And today I received an e-mail from Mozy explaining me how to get started with Mozy… on Windows.
I am not sure what to do with the software. The initial backup went fine, but it is a real bummer that the backup is limited to only one user.