Today I published the first entry on a new weblog: El Canasto.
El Canasto is my first blog in Spanish and has been created for two reasons. The first reason is that I have found very little material in Spanish about lifehacks and Getting Things Done, one of the topics I like to read about. There is clearly something missing in the Spanish weblog spectrum. The second reason is that I really want to improve my Spanish language skills, but don’t have the discipline to sit down and study. However, writing about stuff I like might give me the drive to learn more.
To set up El Canasto I used WordPress and the minimalistic Cutline theme. I spent some days making sure every word in the template has been translated correctly into Spanish, and have many plans more for optimizing the look & feel of this new site. But for the moment, it is more important to get rolling, so I published a first little entry. My plan is to maintain a higher posting frequency than on this blog or the Wizard of POS as I have much material and a lot of ideas for this blog.
For now I would like all my readers to have a look at El Canasto.