Just like most other weblogs, this site has its ups and downs, and you might have noticed that it has been down lately. I am quite busy at the moment, working parallel at several projects.
The company I work for is preparing for the SIMO trade show in Madrid, where we will present the new versions of our products. Though I won’t be present at the show (my responsibilities lie outside Spain) I do have a lot of extra work concerning translating and testing the new software.
Then I am working on the new Fimcap web site. This weekend we are going to finish the forum functionality and start working on the design. We already did some brainstorming and I am happy that we are all more or less on the same line. Once the design is finished we will start using the first parts of the new site, and gradually transfer more functionality.
Once in a while I also work a little bit on BryteNet hosting. Little by little the customers are coming in, but as everything is running smoothly and automated, I don’t have much work on it.
And finally there is the blogging thing. I am planning on taking it more seriously, using Brain Tags for playing around, and doing the real blogging at The Wizard of POS. I am rethinking my work flow to crank up the posting frequency –now once a week– and have a more diverse range of articles. Furthermore I am working on a new weblog in Spanish about GTD.
You see, I have plenty of work, so I better stop writing and get something done!