Only a week after I closed down Brain Links, Brain Links is back, albeit in a more simpler form. Before, each link had its own page, with a description and the possibility to comment on the link (which was rarely used). The new Brain Links is only visible as a linkroll on the sidebar of the main page of Brain Tags.
To power Brain Links, I no longer use Movable Type, but created a new widget that fetches the last ten links from my account. There are no archives, no overview, no categories, no comments,… just ten interesting links.
In case somebody also wants to create a widget, this is the code I used:
<div class=“module-delicious module”>
<h2 class=“module-header”>Brain Links</h2>
<div class=“module-content”>
<a href=“">my</a>
Insert the code above into a new system template called Widget: linkroll, and add the widget to a widget manager. Do not forget to replace beltza with the name of your account!