As I wrote this morning in The future of feed reading, I am going to try out TailRank. I exported my Bloglines subscriptions to an OPML file and imported this file in TailRank to let them know what I like to read. Then I also added the latest entry on this site end and looked at what TailRank was going to suggest me:

Yes, TailRank definitely seems to like my story!
Anyway, I mailed the image above to Kevin A. Burton, exlaining him:
Hello, I just started looking at TailRank, and I am very impressed. I send you a screenshot of a results page, which I think might be a little bug you might want to look into. All I did was import my OPML file and submit the latest entry of my weblog. As you see, this entry appears several times on the result page. Kind regards, Jeroen Sangers