It is amazing how many talented people there are. And many of them closer to you than you can imagine!
Yesterday we went to see EnFado in the city concert hall. EnFado is a quartet playing traditional portuguese fado music. The concert yesterday was given in co-operation with dancers of the citie's dance school, which gave the performance more to see. Between the songs they explained what fado is, and where it comes from.
The hall was completely filled, mainly with family and friends of the performers. Though I know them personally, I had never visited a concert before, and I have to admit that I liked it very much. Not that I am going to be a big fado fan from now on, but I was certainly enjoying the concert. Carol, the singer is such a personality on stage; she looks very comfortable standing on stage and doing her thing.
It wouldn't surprise me if we will visit a concert of EnFado again.