When I designed this site, I of course tested the layout on my Windows computer. I know that it looks alright with IE6 and Mozilla, and I suspect that it looks acceptable in most other OS/browser combinations.
If I would be a professional designer, I would run it through the famous BrowserCam, but my little site is not worth the money.
Of course there are some emulators available, which might give you an idea of how your site looks, but remember that if something looks wrong you never know for sure whether it is your code or the emulator.
A new emulator I found today, shows how this site looks on an iPaq PDA.
Mmmm. Header to big, no skip navigation link, useless side column, font too big, … But still readable. I also loaded the Fimcap site, which still has a tables based layout, and that looked way worse. To read the text you have to keep on scrolling.
I guess I will have to make a new stylesheet, or maybe serve PDA’s the print stylesheet. But the print stylesheet removes all the navigational elements…
Anyway, the coming days I will tweak this site so it will look better for my mobile readers — do I have any?