Some of you receive a message whenever I update this site. You can become a member of my update list by filling in your details on the form on my first page. I am using an external service (Bloglet) to handle these messages.
But now that I have my new provider, I am taking things in my own hands again. I have created a MailMan mailing list to which I will add all people receiving messages . At this moment I am still testing—in fact, this post is a test to see whether the notifications arrive to the list—and as soon as everything works, I will change the form on my site, so new subscription will automatically be added to the list.
Movable Type supports a notification list, but has no mechanism to manage this list. I will have to add, remove and change all addresses by hand, and since I am lazy I looked for a way to automate this. So now the only e-mail address in the MT notification list is the mailing list address. After that, MailMan will take care about distributing the message to all interested persons.
MailMan also provides a management interface where the recipients of my messages can configure their accounts.
[Update 12.08.2003] The test performed by this message worked flawlessly, so I deleted the Bloglet service and replaced the subscription form by a MailMan form. In the mean time I was able to help some other people setting up MailMan for their subscriptions by pointing them to the FAQ How do I create a newsletter/announcement/one-way list?.