This weekend MJ is in Lithuania for a Fimcap meeting. I better say ‘was’, because she is almost back again. In a few hours I will take the car and pick her up in Barcelona.
Of course I could have used this weekend to have a big party (after all, the b**** is gone…), but I decided to have a quiet weekend. Of course I went to drink a beer yesterday, but most of the time I was sleeping, reading, watching television or studying Spanish. Today we also celebrated the birthday of Cristine, MJ’s sister.
The weather here is alright. During the day it is sunny, but in the morning and after five (I had to check at the window…) there is one problem: FOG! Not a little bit, but really a lot; sometimes you can see only ten meters. That is also one of the reasons why I have decided to leave really early to Barcelona. The other reason is that I expect a lot of traffic, because this weekend the winter sport season has started. There are some places where the entrance to the pistes was free this weekend (yes, in some ways the Catalans are like Dutch).
By the way: did you know that Catalonia has over 300 pistes? Me neither.